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Interface HTTPClient.HTTPClientModule

public interface HTTPClientModule
extends HTTPClientModuleConstants
This is the interface that a module must implement. There are two parts during a request: the construction of the request, and the handling of the response. A request may cycle through these parts multiple times when a module generates additional subrequests (such as a redirection status handling module might do).

In the first step the request handler is invoked; here the headers, the request-uri, etc. can be modified, or a complete response can be generated. Then, if no response was generated, the request is sent over the wire. In the second step the response handlers are invoked. These may modify the response or, in phase 2, may generate a new request; the returned status from the phase 2 handler specifies how the processing of the request or response should further proceed.

The response handling is split into three phases. In the first phase the response handling cannot be modified; this is so that all modules get a chance to see the returned response. Modules will typically make notes of responses and do certain header processing here (for example the cookie module does it's work in this phase). In the second phase modules may generate new subrequests or otherwise control the further handling of the response. This is typically used for response status handling (such as for redirections and authentication). Finally, if no new subrequest was generated, the phase 3 response handlers are invoked so that modules can perform any necessary cleanups and final processing (no additional subrequests can be made anymore). It is recommended that any response processing which needn't be done if the request is not returned to the user is deferred until this phase. For example, the Content-MD5, Content-Encoding and Transfer-Encoding modules do their work in this phase as the body is usually discarded if a new subrequest is generated.

When the user invokes any request method (such as Get(...)) a list of of modules to be used is built. Then, for each module in the list, an instance is created using the Class.newInstance() method. This means that each module must have a constructor which takes no arguments. This instance is then used to handle the request, its response, and any additional subrequests and their responses. In this way a module can easily keep state between related subrequests. For example, a redirection module might want to keep track of the number of redirections made to detect redirect loops; it could do this by defining an instance variable and incrementing it each time the request handler is invoked.

0.3 30/01/1998
Ronald Tschalär

Method Index

 o requestHandler(Request, Response[])
This is invoked before the request is sent.
 o responsePhase1Handler(Response, RoRequest)
The phase 1 response handler.
 o responsePhase2Handler(Response, Request)
The phase 2 response handler.
 o responsePhase3Handler(Response, RoRequest)
The phase 3 response handler.
 o trailerHandler(Response, RoRequest)
The chunked transfer-encoding (and in future maybe others) can contain trailer fields at the end of the body.


 o requestHandler
public abstract int requestHandler(Request request,
                                   Response[] response) throws IOException, ModuleException
This is invoked before the request is sent. A module will typically use this to make a note of headers, to modify headers and/or data, or even generate and return a response (e.g. for a cache module). If a response is generated the module must return the appropriate return code (REQ_RESPONSE or REQ_RETURN).

Return codes for phase 1 (defined in

REQ_CONTINUE continue processing
REQ_RESTART restart processing with first module
REQ_SHORTCIRC stop processing and send
REQ_RESPONSE go to phase 2
REQ_RETURN return response immediately (no processing)
REQ_NEWCON_RST use a new HTTPConnection, restart processing
REQ_NEWCON_SND use a new HTTPConnection, send immediately

request - the request - may be modified as needed
response - the response if the status is REQ_RESPONSE or REQ_RETURN
status code REQ_XXX specifying further action
Throws: IOException
if an IOException occurs on the socket
Throws: ModuleException
if an exception occurs during the handling of the request
 o responsePhase1Handler
public abstract void responsePhase1Handler(Response response,
                                           RoRequest request) throws IOException, ModuleException
The phase 1 response handler. This will be invoked for every response. Modules will typically make notes of the response and do any header processing which must always be performed.

response - the response - may be modified
request - the original request
Throws: IOException
if an IOException occurs on the socket
Throws: ModuleException
if an exception occurs during the handling of the response
 o responsePhase2Handler
public abstract int responsePhase2Handler(Response response,
                                          Request request) throws IOException, ModuleException
The phase 2 response handler. A module may modify the response or generate a new request (e.g. for redirection). This handler will only be invoked for a given module if all previous modules returned RSP_CONTINUE. If the request is modified the handler must return an appropriate return code (RSP_REQUEST, RSP_SEND, RSP_NEWCON_REQ or RSP_NEWCON_SND). If any other code is return the request must not be modified.

Return codes for phase 2 (defined in

RSP_CONTINUE continue processing
RSP_RESTART restart processing with first module (phase 1)
RSP_SHORTCIRC stop processing and return
RSP_REQUEST go to phase 1
RSP_SEND send request immediately (no processing)
RSP_NEWCON_REQ go to phase 1 using a new HTTPConnection
RSP_NEWCON_SND send request using a new HTTPConnection

response - the response - may be modified
request - the request; if the status is RSP_REQUEST then this must contain the new request; however do not modify this if you don't return a RSP_REQUEST status.
status code RSP_XXX specifying further action
Throws: IOException
if an IOException occurs on the socket
Throws: ModuleException
if an exception occurs during the handling of the response
 o responsePhase3Handler
public abstract void responsePhase3Handler(Response response,
                                           RoRequest request) throws IOException, ModuleException
The phase 3 response handler. This will only be invoked if no new subrequest was generated in phase 2. Modules should defer any repsonse handling which need only be done if the response is returned to the user to this phase.

response - the response - may be modified
request - the original request
Throws: IOException
if an IOException occurs on the socket
Throws: ModuleException
if an exception occurs during the handling of the response
 o trailerHandler
public abstract void trailerHandler(Response response,
                                    RoRequest request) throws IOException, ModuleException
The chunked transfer-encoding (and in future maybe others) can contain trailer fields at the end of the body. Since the responsePhaseXHandler()'s are invoked before the body is read and therefore do not have access to the trailers (unless they force the complete body to be read) this method will be invoked when the trailers have been read and parsed (sort of a post-response handling).

Note: This method must not modify any part of the response other than the trailers.

response - the response
request - the request
Throws: IOException
if an IOException occurs on the socket
Throws: ModuleException
if an exception occurs during the handling of the trailers

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