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Interface HTTPClient.RoResponse

public interface RoResponse
This interface represents read-only interface of an intermediate http response. It is the compile-time type passed to various handlers which might the response info but musn't modify the response.

0.3 30/01/1998
Ronald Tschalär

Method Index

 o getData()
Reads all the response data into a byte array.
 o getHeader(String)
retrieves the field for a given header.
 o getHeaderAsDate(String)
retrieves the field for a given header.
 o getHeaderAsInt(String)
retrieves the field for a given header.
 o getInputStream()
Gets an input stream from which the returned data can be read.
 o getReasonLine()
 o getStatusCode()
give the status code for this request.
 o getTrailer(String)
Retrieves the field for a given trailer.
 o getTrailerAsDate(String)
Retrieves the field for a given trailer.
 o getTrailerAsInt(String)
Retrieves the field for a given tailer.
 o getVersion()


 o getStatusCode
public abstract int getStatusCode() throws IOException
give the status code for this request. These are grouped as follows:

the status code
Throws: IOException
If any exception occurs on the socket.
 o getReasonLine
public abstract String getReasonLine() throws IOException
the reason line associated with the status code.
Throws: IOException
If any exception occurs on the socket.
 o getVersion
public abstract String getVersion() throws IOException
the HTTP version returned by the server.
Throws: IOException
If any exception occurs on the socket.
 o getHeader
public abstract String getHeader(String hdr) throws IOException
retrieves the field for a given header.

hdr - the header name.
the value for the header, or null if non-existent.
Throws: IOException
If any exception occurs on the socket.
 o getHeaderAsInt
public abstract int getHeaderAsInt(String hdr) throws IOException, NumberFormatException
retrieves the field for a given header. The value is parsed as an int.

hdr - the header name.
the value for the header if the header exists
Throws: NumberFormatException
if the header's value is not a number or if the header does not exist.
Throws: IOException
if any exception occurs on the socket.
 o getHeaderAsDate
public abstract Date getHeaderAsDate(String hdr) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
retrieves the field for a given header. The value is parsed as a date; if this fails it is parsed as a long representing the number of seconds since 12:00 AM, Jan 1st, 1970. If this also fails an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

hdr - the header name.
the value for the header, or null if non-existent.
Throws: IOException
If any exception occurs on the socket.
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
If the header cannot be parsed as a date or time.
 o getTrailer
public abstract String getTrailer(String trailer) throws IOException
Retrieves the field for a given trailer. Note that this should not be invoked until all the response data has been read. If invoked before, it will force the data to be read via getData().

trailer - the trailer name.
the value for the trailer, or null if non-existent.
Throws: IOException
If any exception occurs on the socket.
 o getTrailerAsInt
public abstract int getTrailerAsInt(String trailer) throws IOException, NumberFormatException
Retrieves the field for a given tailer. The value is parsed as an int.

trailer - the tailer name.
the value for the trailer if the trailer exists
Throws: NumberFormatException
if the trailer's value is not a number or if the trailer does not exist.
Throws: IOException
if any exception occurs on the socket.
 o getTrailerAsDate
public abstract Date getTrailerAsDate(String trailer) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
Retrieves the field for a given trailer. The value is parsed as a date; if this fails it is parsed as a long representing the number of seconds since 12:00 AM, Jan 1st, 1970. If this also fails an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
Note: When sending dates use Util.httpDate().

trailer - the trailer name.
the value for the trailer, or null if non-existent.
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
if the trailer's value is neither a legal date nor a number.
Throws: IOException
if any exception occurs on the socket.
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
If the header cannot be parsed as a date or time.
 o getData
public abstract byte[] getData() throws IOException
Reads all the response data into a byte array. Note that this method won't return until all the data has been received (so for instance don't invoke this method if the server is doing a server push). If getInputStream() had been previously called then this method only returns any unread data remaining on the stream and then closes it.

an array containing the data (body) returned. If no data was returned then it's set to a zero-length array.
Throws: IOException
If any io exception occured while reading the data
See Also:
 o getInputStream
public abstract InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException
Gets an input stream from which the returned data can be read. Note that if getData() had been previously called it will actually return a ByteArrayInputStream created from that data.

the InputStream.
Throws: IOException
If any exception occurs on the socket.
See Also:

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